
  • TV & Movie Costumes – Halloween Costumes 2015

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    • Animal Costumes, Boy Costumes, Dog Costumes, Fairytale Costumes, Harry Potter Costumes, Harry Potter Costumes, Historical Costumes, Kids Costumes, Roman & Greek Costumes, Sale Costumes, Theme Costumes, TV & Movie Costumes

      3-Headed Guard Dog Costume

      38.99 $

  • Star Wars Costumes – Halloween Costumes 2015

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    • Boots & Shoes, Christmas Costumes, Darth Vader Costumes, Disney Costumes, Duck Dynasty Costumes, Funny Costumes, Halloween Accessories, Holiday Costumes, Pirate Costumes, Star Wars Costumes, Superhero Costumes, Theme Costumes, TV & Movie Costumes

      Adult Deluxe Black Boots

      36.99 $

  • Fairytale Costumes – Halloween Costumes 2015

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      Animal Costumes, Boy Costumes, Dog Costumes, Fairytale Costumes, Harry Potter Costumes, Harry Potter Costumes, Historical Costumes, Kids Costumes, Roman & Greek Costumes, Sale Costumes, Theme Costumes, TV & Movie Costumes

      3-Headed Guard Dog Costume

      38.99 $

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  • Interesting Last Minute Group Halloween Costume Ideas – Halloween Costumes 2015

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    • Posted in Halloween 2014
    • Posted on December 24, 2014

    When Halloween is coming, it is time to start looking for the last minute touches for your perfect celebration this Halloween season. If that is the case, then we hope that you can get your hands on everything you need.

    But, if your plans have changed recently and you need a Halloween costume quickly, then do not worry as long as there is definitely still some time. If you need a costume theme for a group of girls, then you can get it here.

    To create your last minute group Halloween costume, you will need is some time, creativity, and a little work before you hit the streets of your town. So, consider the list below and see if there is something that looks possible in the time you have left.

    The Seven Deadly Sins. This Halloween, if you need that perfect Halloween costume that is easy and fast, then team up with your friends and go as the Seven Deadly Sins. If you have seven girls in your party, then this Halloween costume idea is a must.

    It is fun and you can make it as simple as you want it to be. Be sure to start out with the same theme amongst you that will work for everyone. It will add a sense of unity to your group that many last minute group Halloween costumes lack.

    It is better to try to make your group Halloween costume together. For those of you wondering, the Seven Deadly Sins are Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Envy, Gluttony, Lust, and Coveting.

    A Royal Flush. This group Halloween costume is easy enough that you can make it just a few hours before your Halloween party starts. All you need is matching white dresses.

    You can make these dresses and pin them or tie together with just some large T-shirts or bed sheets. For this costume, you need dresses that can be built into different cards. Make sure that your hand in poker is made right and you will be set.

    You can make the suit symbols and numbers out of fabric or draw them on, whatever your choice is; it will work with the amount of time that you have left.

    Dia de Los Muertos. If all of you are makeup artists, then you can easily get the needed skeleton makeup done in time for the party. Get a basic pattern done in advance and match your outfits accordingly.

    With such a group Halloween costume, you can go as authentic or as classy as you can organize in the small amount of time you have left. Whatever your choice, the makeup will definitely work great with it.

    For Halloween, if you need a last minute group Halloween costume ensemble for girls, take one of these items and make it on your own. Customize your costume the way you would like it to look and have fun with it.

  • Halloween Costumes for Couples with Babies – Halloween Costumes 2015

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    • Posted in Halloween 2014
    • Posted on December 24, 2014

    If you are a couple with your baby this Halloween and your intention is to go with this look, then you would definitely like to take up a family group costume this Halloween that will match well.

    What about becoming Crayola crayons with your minion?!

    With such an outlook, your little one will look such a cutie pie. If you need a real inspiration, then mimic the prince and princess of London? Be Kate, William, and their son if you have one this Halloween.

    If you have a daughter and you are going to go as a movie couple, then go for the popular Vampire love story costume. Be dashing Edward and Bella with their little pretty Eirene. This family group Halloween costume will be a classic hit among other costumes because these characters are extremely popular these days.

    How about making a shark attack theme with your baby?! Dress your little one as a shark and two of you become the surfers. A man can apply some fake red blood to pretend like being hit by a shark. A woman could get that rescuer look.

    On the other hand, the woman could be a shark and a baby could become a rescuer. Daddy, do not panic because your baby is on its way to rescue you. That will be such a fabulous Halloween theme for a little family of three.

    If there are candy lovers in your family, dress up as M&Ms or Skittles. Cut large circles out of different colored cardboard or felt. Cut two for everybody, and attach the front and back with the help of double-sided tape.

    Do not forget to leave an opening large enough for the person to put on the costume. For a “healthier” costume, make every member of your family dress as a piece of fruit. Use cardboard, felt, or poster board to cut out fruit shapes.

    To create a look of a bunch of grapes, paint circles in purple and stick them onto a person. For a more unique look, go as peas in a pod. Your baby can be a pea, and you parents can go as the pods.

    If you lack some time to put together your family Halloween costume, then make your family members dress as doctors (and your little one, of course) in scrubs and each carry a different medical instrument, such as a stethoscope or a reflex hammer.

    For a happy family of wizards, put on dark robes or capes and have every family member decorate themselves with glitter paints. To finish your family Halloween costume, carry wands.

    To go trick-or-treating as a family of Dalmatians, wear white sweat suits or a white shirt with pants and attach black paper spots with the help of double-sided tape as well.

  • Halloween Costume Ideas for You and Your Pet – Halloween Costumes 2015

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    • Posted in Halloween 2014
    • Posted on December 24, 2014

    Show your love for your adored pet with a Halloween costume ensemble to match two of you. From skeletons and ghouls to TV actors and pop stars, take your pick.

    Make Your Pet Involved: Halloween Costume Ideas for You and Your Pet

    Caveman – Donosaur. To create a look of caveman, you will need a wig, bone jewelry, and a fake wood club. To complete your look, put on a leopard tunic and a matching belt.

    Transform your furry friend into an adorable T-Rex with the help of a bought Halloween costume.

    Ariel – Ursula. This Halloween costume is inspired by a Disney movie. Dress up as Ariel and your dog can become Ursula.

    Referee – Football. If you are a football fan, then dress up as a referee. For this look, you will need a black and white striped T-shirt, a pair of black pants, whistle, and black shoes.

    Dress up your dog as a football. All you need is to cut the shape out of a cardboard and color it in white and black.

    Vampire – Bat. For those who are twilight inspired there is a good idea to become a vampire for Halloween.

    If you are one of them, then get yourselves a red cape, some fangs, and lots of fake blood. Turn your furry friend into a bat; make a bat vampire using a fabric harness.

    Star Wars. If you want to recreate some scenes from the sequel Star Wars, then dress up your doggie in a Chewbacca Halloween costume – a cute furry hoodie that comes with a bandolier strap.

    In such as case, you will have an array of characters to choose from –Princess Leia, Hans Solo, or Yoda.

    Ghostbusters. Bring out your ghost busting skills this Halloween season recreating characters from this popular movie with the help of store-bought Ghostbusters Halloween outfits.

    Starbucks. If you cannot start your day without a cup of coffee, then pay homage to your favorite coffee brand by transforming your furry friend into a Starbucks customer with some cardboard and markers.

    Top off the outfit with the coffee lid hat. And you can go as a barista wearing a green Starbucks apron.

    Prisoner – Jailer. Allow your dog to discipline you dressing it in a police Halloween costume. Pick up a prisoner costume for yourself or paint your old coveralls to make one by yourself at home. Get a sergeant’s badge for your sidekick.

    Marilyn – Paparazzi. Turn your pet into a gorgeous starlet with the help of some jewelry, plastic breasts, and a white dress. Dress up as the annoying paparazzi, get yourself a camera and press credentials.

    Gru and His Minion. You can dress up as Gru and turn your furry friend into a cute yellow minion. A minion Halloween costume should come with a yellow headpiece, a blue jumper, and funny goggles.

    For superhero ensemble, have your pet recreate the character of the Incredible Hulk with a Halloween costume that comes with a muscled jumpsuit. Get a Captain America costume for yourself!

  • Classic Costumes – Halloween Costumes 2015

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    Dressing in Halloween costumes to celebrate the old holiday called Halloween is one of the most recognizable and common traditions that dates back thousands years. This year, dress your entire family in our classic Halloween costumes!

    Let your children become a part of your costume theme decision. Kids will have as much fun choosing their Halloween costumes! Classic Halloween costumes are extremely popular during Halloween season, due to this there are lots of classic Halloween costumes at our online store! Here you will find television and movie characters, super heroes, rock stars, and movie stars. Purchasing classic Halloween costumes at our online store is so much fun, and it is something that all family members can do together.

    There was a time when Halloween was all about devils, ghosts, and witches. Nowadays kids are dressing up as Angry Birds and giant hamburgers. Show the new generations what a classic Halloween is about. Every weird creature such as a witch, zombie, clowns, and vampire that your parents were proud to go trick or treating in is at our online store.

    You can still look sexy choosing a bunny Halloween costume. For men who prefer to wear traditional Halloween costumes, we carry werewolf and demon Halloween costumes. Kids and teen will be happy to wear tiger, elephant, pumpkin, monster, and witch Halloween costumes that are also available at our online store.

    We offer limitless styles and designs available for men, women, and kids, so here you will definitely find something for every member of your family. Shopping at our online store, you will be surprised that our costumes are so reasonably priced. Choose among 50s Halloween costumes, if you are looking for a modest costume, and go for 70s Halloween costumes, if you want to look like a disco star.

  • Animal Costumes – Halloween Costumes 2015

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    • Animal Costumes, Boy Costumes, Dog Costumes, Fairytale Costumes, Harry Potter Costumes, Harry Potter Costumes, Historical Costumes, Kids Costumes, Roman & Greek Costumes, Sale Costumes, Theme Costumes, TV & Movie Costumes

      3-Headed Guard Dog Costume

      38.99 $

    • Adult Costumes, Animal Costumes, Christmas Costumes, Funny Costumes, Gorilla Costumes, Holiday Costumes, Mascot Costumes, Men’s Costumes, Plus Size Costumes, Plus Size Men’s Costumes, Scary Costumes, Theme Costumes

      Adult Abominable Snowman Costume

      78.99 $

  • Masks – Page 13 of 22 – Halloween Costumes 2015

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    • Classic Costumes, Clown Costumes, Halloween Accessories, Historical Costumes, Joker Costumes, Masks, Renaissance Costumes, Sale Costumes, Scary Costumes, Superhero Costumes, Theme Costumes

      Jester Bob O Mask

      38.99 $